Table of Contents

Lua SMTP MX Control

Every time VPOP3 is going to send messages using direct MX sending, it runs a script called mxout.lua which can be created/edited in Settings → Scripts (or in the VPOP3 directory in VPOP3 v6.6 or earlier).

Messages to be sent

For every message which is to be sent VPOP3 calls a function in that script called CheckFile.

The function signature is: CheckFile(Filename, Actions, Size, CreationTime, Retries, LastTryTime, ReturnPath, Recipients, HeaderData, HeaderLines)

The function returns an Actions object saying what to do with the message. If nothing else, the function should return the Actions parameter.

The Actions object contain four values:

Remote Server Settings

If you need to tweak how VPOP3 connects to remote servers you can write a ServerDetails function. VPOP3 calls this function before sending each message.

(This function was added in VPOP3 v6.5)

The function signature is: ServerDetails(Parameters, HeaderLines, Actions)

The Parameters object contains details of the message being sent:

The function returns an Actions object saying what to do with the message. If nothing else, the function should return the Actions parameter.

The Actions object contains 9 or more values:

Starting with VPOP3 v6.17 it also contains:

Example - don't use SSL when connecting to ''

function ServerDetails(params, headers, actions)
  if params["server"] == "" then
    actions["tryTLS"] = 0
  return actions


(VPOP3 8.0 and later)