Monitor Scripting

(Added in V6.15)

This script has three functions:

The functions are similar, except they are called when different messages are to be monitored (incoming, internal and outgoing messages respectively).

The functions are only called if the message will be monitored (according to the settings in Settings → Message Monitoring).

VPOP3 calls

MonitorOut(sender, authenticated_sender, recipient_list, subject)


MonitorInternal(sender, recipient_list, subject)


MonitorIncoming(sender, recipient_list, subject)

The functions return a string indicating who the monitored messages are to go to. This can be a single email address, or several email addresses separated by semi-colons (;). If it is 'noone', then the message will not be monitored.


From VPOP3 version 6.17 onwards, these functions will also receive extra parameters

MonitorOut(sender, authenticated_sender, recipient_list, subject, size, attachments, ToRecipients, CcRecipients, BccRecipients, ClientIPAddress)
MonitorInternal(sender, recipient_list, subject, size, attachments)
MonitorIncoming(sender, recipient_list, subject, size, attachments)