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Autoresponder Commands

This article only applies to VPOP3 v4 and earlier

A VPOP3 autoresponder can contain special text strings to create special behaviour, in addition to plain text as part of the response.

There are three types of 'command'


These let VPOP3 give different responses based on the incoming message subject. You can specify them as:

If no section is defined, then [All] is assumed.

[Section: <subject text>] sections will be sent if the subject of the incoming message contains the <subject text> (case insensitive match).

[Default] sections will be sent if no [Section:] sections matched.

[All] sections will always be sent.

So, if the autoresponder is defined as

[Section: catalog]
Here's a catalog for you

Send a message with subject 'catalog' to get a catalog

Thank you for contacting us

then if you send a message to the autoresponder with a subject containing 'catalog', you will get a response saying:

Here's a catalog for you

Thank you for contacting us

Or, if you send a message to the autoresponder with a subject not containing 'catalog' you will get:

Send a message with subject 'catalog' to get a catalog

Thank you for contacting us


These are commands put on a line of their own, surrounded by angle brackets (<>) and they alter the behaviour of the autoresponder in some way.

If you put commands in a Section, then only the commands used by the applied Sections will be used.

The <Valid:> command supports date restrictions to indicate when the autoresponder should work. You can specify multiple restrictions in one <Valid> command, separated by commas.

Date restrictions are combined by taking the most restricting combination. For instance <Valid: 1/2/2010-10/2/2010,Wed,10:15-10:45> means that the autoresponder will only work between 10:15 and 10:45 on any Wednesdays between 1st Feb 2010 and 10th Feb 2010.

Only one Valid tag can be specified in the combination of Sections being used. If multiple ones are specified, the last one to be interpreted will take effect.


These are pieces of text placed inline with the message text and will be replaced by VPOP3 when the message is constructed. You should not use these Replacement texts inside the above 'Control' lines.

Custom Date Formats

Custom Time Formats