Access Restrictions Internal Format

VPOP3 internally stores service IP Access Restrictions in its settings database using the following format to encode the multiple entries

These are stored in the settings database as *ALLOWED*.DAT (using VPOP3SETTINGS GET *ALLOWED*.DAT will list them)

Each entry is a line, separated by a line feed (ASCII 10, \n) - without an associated carriage return

The first entry specifies whether the 'Use Global Access Restrictions if more restrictive' option is set (1) or not (0)

Subsequent entries each encode a line in the IP Access Restrictions rule list, with 7 fields, separated by | characters

  1. Allow: 0 = block, 1 = allow
  2. Type: 0 = special, 2 = IPv4, 23 = IPv6, 100 = GeoIP
  3. IP Address in text form
  4. IP Address Prefix. Or, if Type = 0, then 0 = 'Any', 1 = 'Local Networks', 2 = 'Routers'
  5. Allow NoAuth: 0 = no, 1 = yes
  6. List of user IDs if only specific users allowed, separated by tab (ASCII 9 \t)
  7. Comment (optional)


0 1|0||1|0||

The initial 0 means that “Use global access restrictions if more restrictive” is unchecked


  1. 1 = Allow
  2. 0 = Special
  3. <blank> = N/A
  4. 1 = Local Networks (because field 2 is 'Special')
  5. 0 = Don't allow unauthenticated access
  6. <blank> = no specified users
  7. <blank> = no comment