======Spam Filter Rules: IfInBag====== ^Statement |IfInBag | ^Version |2.3.7+ | ^Purpose |Checks if a specified value is in a particular bag | The **IfInBag** statement requires a bag name and value, in the format IfInBag *All **IfInBag** statements must be followed by an **EndIf** statement *You may optionally include an **Else** statement *The can either be a simple string, a regular expression (surrounded with '/' characters), or a 'DOS style' wildcarded expression =====Examples===== Basic example IfInBag mybag "value" # Statements EndIf Using an **Else** statement IfInBag mybag "value" # Statements Else # Statements EndIf Using a regular expression IfInBag mybag "/@domain\.com/i" # Statements EndIf Using a wildcarded expression IfInBag mybag "*@domain.com" # Statements EndIf