======Database query to list ALL messages in the LAN forwarding queue====== The VPOP3 settings show the first 100 messages in the LAN forwarding queue. Usually this is sufficient as the LAN forwarding queue is usually nearly empty, but in case of a problem it may be much bigger. The database queries below may help in that situation. At a command prompt in the VPOP3 directory run psql (The password is 'vpop3pass') Then, type SELECT sender,target,subject,r.username || '@' || r.domain as recipient FROM messages.outgoing INNER JOIN messages.outgoingrecipients r USING(msgid) INNER JOIN messages.outgoingtargets USING(msgid) ORDER BY msgid; to list all the messages in the LAN forwarding queue or use SELECT count(*) FROM messages.outgoing; to simply get a count of the number of messages in the queue N.B. VPOP3 does not need to be stopped while you do this