======Calendar.Calendars table====== The [[Calendar]].Calendars table contains a list of all 'calendars' created in VPOP3. Each user account has at least one calendar =====Columns===== * calid - this is a [[http://www.postgresql.org/docs/9.0/static/datatype-numeric.html|integer]] sequential value which identifies the calendar uniquely in the database * ownerid - this is the numeric user id of the account which owns this calendar. (Use the [[db_users|users]].[[users_users|users]] table to find the numeric id from the user name) * name - this is the display name of the calendar * lastupdate - this is a timestamp containing when the calendar data was last updated. Triggers on the [[Calendar]].[[calendar_events|Events]] table will automatically update this entry when an event is added/updated/deleted from this calendar * internalname - this is an internal name for the calendar. This is used in the CalDAV URL for accessing the calendar