======Access Restrictions Internal Format====== VPOP3 internally stores service IP Access Restrictions in its settings database using the following format to encode the multiple entries These are stored in the settings database as *ALLOWED*.DAT (using VPOP3SETTINGS GET *ALLOWED*.DAT will list them) Each entry is a line, separated by a line feed (ASCII 10, \n) - without an associated carriage return The first entry specifies whether the 'Use Global Access Restrictions if more restrictive' option is set (1) or not (0) Subsequent entries each encode a line in the IP Access Restrictions rule list, with 7 fields, separated by | characters - Allow: 0 = block, 1 = allow - Type: 0 = special, 2 = IPv4, 23 = IPv6, 100 = GeoIP - IP Address in text form - IP Address Prefix. Or, if Type = 0, then 0 = 'Any', 1 = 'Local Networks', 2 = 'Routers' - Allow NoAuth: 0 = no, 1 = yes - List of user IDs if only specific users allowed, separated by tab (ASCII 9 \t) - Comment (optional) =====Example===== 0 1|0||1|0|| The initial 0 means that "Use global access restrictions if more restrictive" is unchecked Then - 1 = Allow - 0 = Special - = N/A - 1 = Local Networks (because field 2 is 'Special') - 0 = Don't allow unauthenticated access - = no specified users - = no comment