
Spamfilter.Whitelist table

The Spamfilter.Whitelist table contains the spamfilter whitelist entries which do not contain wildcards or regular expressions. They are separated out to speed up checking.


  • address - this is the email address in the whitelist
  • autoadded - this is true if the email address was added to the whitelist by the spamfilter component because it was an address which was sent to, or false if it was manually added to the whitelist
  • initiallyadded - this is the date/time when the email address was initially added to the whitelist
  • lastadded - this is the date/time when the email address was last “added” to the whitelist by the spamfilter component because a message was sent to this address
  • lastfound - this is the date/time when the whitelist entry was last found on an incoming message
  • addcount - this is the number of times the email address has been added by the spamfilter component because it has been sent to
  • findcount - this is the number of times the whitelist entry has been found on incoming messages
  • lastaddedby - this is the username of the person who last added this entry to the whitelist
  • lastautoaddedby - this is the email address of the sender of the last person who sent an outgoing message to this entry, causing them to be auto-added to the whitelist by the spamfilter component.

address is the primary key. It is indexed case sensitively (because PostgreSQL does not support calculated primary key indices), but all addresses are stored in lower case, so any searches should search for lower case entries as well.

reference/spamfilter_whitelist.txt · Last modified: 2018/11/14 10:45 by