Fulltext results:
- SMTP -> General tab
- ss Restrictions|IP Access Restrictions]] tab. In most cases nowadays this option is recommended to be e... if authentication would otherwise be required. In most cases this setting should be enabled to allow inc... trictions tab will be able to relay mail. This is most useful as it will protect against unwanted relayi... esigned for excessively large file transfers, and most mail servers will reject mail over between 20MB a
- Misc -> Advanced Tab
- server to another. When a message is received, most mail servers will count the 'hops' which a messag... se messages from being downloaded a second time. Most POP3 servers will never re-use message UIDs, as t... , so it will not be downloaded again. This is why most POP3 servers do not re-use message UIDs. ====Que
- Using tables/grids
- standard features which are described below. * Most of the grids are 'delayed-fill'. This means that ... will sort by that column in descending order. * Most grids are filterable. Below the column header is ... delete the actual data, just what is visible. * Most grids are 'immediate action'. If you can double c
- Connections
- cting through the associated Mail Collectors. In most cases nowadays, a VPOP3 installation will have a ... ss the remote servers over the network. Nowadays, most people have routers, so this is the most common setting to use. * **Use Dial-up for connection**. In
- Settings -> Diagnostics
- ew===== By default, VPOP3 will keep two copies of most log files: * The current log file, with a **.l... ches its maximum size. //e.g. vpop3.log// * The most recent old log file, with a **.lbk** filename ext... , VPOP3 will not delete any **.log** file, or the most recent **.lbk** file. ===Maximum file sizes=== I
- Address Book tab
- ert the selected contact's email address into the most recently selected new message. By default, the bu... **Add To Message** button will not appear if the most recently selected new message tab has been closed
- What's new in version 5 webmail?
- on 5 webmail?====== This is a list of some of the most noticeable changes to VPOP3's [[version_4_webmail... ite a commonly requested feature and should be of most use to those with low screen resolutions. From th
- Autoresponder
- ing message should be kept in the user's mailbox. Most of the time this option should be set, otherwise ... essage should be added onto the automatic reply. (Most times this will be set to 'No') * **Send respon
- Mail Connectors -> Mail Senders -> SMTP Direct
- ]] rather than a proper mail server. To have the most chance of SMTP Direct sending working you should ... and it will show you how many times it has retried, and what the most recent error was for that message.
- Mail Sender Advanced Settings
- s first// box is not checked, VPOP3 will send the most recently queued messages before the older message... sage has not been sent yet, and will indicate the most recent error which VPOP3 has received whilst tryi
- Mail Connectors -> Connector Schedule
- eck at the next scheduled time==== This option is most useful for dial-up connections. It can be used to... mail, connect within Y minutes==== This option is most useful for dial-up connections or connections whi
- Spamfilter White/Blacklists
- ter the last /). Regular expressions give you the most control and flexibility over address matching, bu... ter the last /). Regular expressions give you the most control and flexibility over matching, but can be
- Lua Scripting
- P3 uses it to customise behaviour in places where most people will be happy with the default behaviour, ... ng lots of extra options to complicate things for most users, we have opted to go for a more flexible sc
- Autoresponders - v3 and v4
- l program to generate a response, and that is the most complex option, and is rarely used. Contact suppo... log daily, then it means that VPOP3 will send at most one autoresponse to each sender every day. The *
- SMTP Service -> Advanced Tab
- ents with an error message back to the sender. In most cases this is sufficient as it means that the sen