
SMTPIDSEvents Replacement



This returns the latest entries from the SMTP client logging database. It will return 100 entries unless the count parameter is specified in the URL, in which case that will specify the maximum number of entries to return.

If the client parameter is specified, then it will only return the entries specific to that client IP address, otherwise it will return all entries.

The return value is in JSON format:

{log: [
  {ipaddr:<address>, time:<time>, event:<event code>, eventname: <event text>, eventdata: <extra event data>},...

If the client parameter is specified, it will also return a summary for that client in an extra entry in the return value:

summary: [
  {event:<event code>, eventname: <event text>, count: <number of times this event occurred>},...

The count will be over the past 60 minutes, unless the period parameter is specified, in which case that will set the time to check (in minutes)

adminapi/smtpidsevents.txt · Last modified: 2018/11/14 10:45 by